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Misc. Ministries


When was the last time you lent a helping hand? Service is a big part of our religious doctrine. We shall never forget how the Good Shepherd sacrificed his life and paved the path so that we could be saved. At Second Christian Church Disciples of Christ, we provide opportunities for our members to serve through various ministries. The power of our community is demonstrated by our desire to serve others. What gifts and abilities can you bring?

Hospitality Ministry

Chairwoman: Elder Brenda Roundtree

Vice Chair: Sis Galisa "Lynn" Roundtree


*Hospitality takes the initiative to welcome visitors:


*Hospitality can lower issues that could result in harming the gospel    message during worship:


*First -time visitors will remember how hospitable the church members *was and if the feeling was cold and hinders the ability to remember the Sermon:


*Hospitality is a willingness to share what God has given us, including, family, home, finances, and food:


*He desires we share his love, and we reply out of reverence and gratitude to him:


 1. Study and preparation. Development of a deeper understanding of Christian hospitality and the supporting skills requires study in a small support group. The hospitality team should meet once a month or once a quarter. It is important to spend time in caring for one another and in spiritual nurture through Bible study and prayer in order to be able to really love and care for others. The ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a member of the hospitality team will include the following duties:  there will be time for group study and discussion of a Bible passage about hospitality, sharing of experiences and blessings, and scheduling teams.


2. Taking care of visitors. Organize a system for visitor hospitality which will provide follow-up for their needs as appropriate. This usually includes providing a Sabbath meal. In smaller churches, this function may include the is key to this, but no group activity can replace individual ministry. 

3. Caring for new members. There is a special need for a system of hospitality for prospective and new members, as well as members with special needs, which will integrate them into the fellowship of the church. This may take many forms and may overlap to some extent with other activities in your congregation. It could include a pastor’s Bible class, a new member class, home Bible study groups, a special fellowship dinner for new members once or twice a year, visitation and personal ministry, or the assignment of a special friend or “spiritual helper.” 

4. Coordination. You must promote and cooperate with efforts to encourage social fellowship among church members as a whole. What is the relationship between your hospitality ministry and the social committee of the church or the small group ministry? You need to settle these questions in discussions with the other leaders involved and work together with them in building the total program of your congregation.

Usher Board

Chairwoman: Sis Gloria Brent

What is An Usher?

Often times, we do not know or forget from whence comes ushering - from God. God was the very first Usher - as He ushered in day and light (Gen 1:3-4).  God ushered man into the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15).



Ushers or forerunners are depicted throughout the Bible. Abraham ushered Faithfulness into the world (Gen. 22).  Moses ushered the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt into the promise land.


Christ - prepared the way.  He was the voice crying in the wilderness. (John 1:6-13).for forerunnerThe Star of Bethlehem ushered the wise men of the East to the place where Christ was born.  John the Baptist,



An usher is an official whose business is to introduce vistors, or to walk before a person, a forerunner, and a doorkeeper.


A church usher is an officer of Second Christian Church.  They introduce visitors to the church by having them fill out a visitor's card.  The church usher helps the Pastor to make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message.  The usher meets the people with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directs them to comfortable seats.  They also see to it that perfect order is kept in and around the church at all times during the services.


Ushers are forerunners, for they prepare the church for the guests by being the first to arrive at the church; they receive the order of the day from the Pastor; they see that the church is in proper condition to receive the guest; they see that hymnals, fans, church literature, collection envelopes, and any other items that are to be distributed to the congregation are in their proper places. Church ushers are missionaries for the church for they perpetuate the spirit throughout the congregation.

Trustee Board

Chairman: Bro William Roundtree Jr.

Get In Touch




Brenda Roundtree

Vice Chair: Lynn Roundtree


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(573) 635-8349


631 Lafayette St, Jefferson City, MO 65101, USA


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